4 minutes reading time (707 words)

Give Yourself Time, loneliness is part of it...


An unnamed English poet notes that, "It hurts to love someone and not to be loved in return. But what is more painful is to love someone and never find courage to let that person know how you feel". He continues by saying … "maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right ones, so that when we finally meet the right person, we would know how to be grateful for that gift."

How many times have we fallen to our own weaknesses? How many times have we tried to live the lives of other people instead of being all that we can be? How many times have we lost hope in our own selves? What went wrong, where, and how? Lots of people would agree when I say, there's that one person in our lives who means a lot and that we would do anything just to be there for that person. Despite their down falls and faults, because nobody is perfect. The fact remains, you are always there for that person, and whether that person is there for you when you're in need, that's a topic for another day.

The point is: We want to belong, and there's nothing wrong with that, because we are belonging beings, as a wise main once said, "No man is an Island. He was conquering and yet became a wise African man, who once charged 'UMNTU NGUMNTU NGABANTU' translate 'A PERSON IS A PERSON BECAUSE OF OTHERS'". But what seem to be an obstacle is that we can't choose friends, or our inner circles, they choose us in one way or the other. The problem we are facing is to want to belong to a group we don't belong to. Maybe the influence could be the person we love, or care about. That's not wrong, because love is unprecedented, it remains a mystery.

The main reason that we feel like we don't belong, or there's no one who care about us, or when we feel like we don't have friends, is simply because we want certain people to fill that gap, we want certain people to love us and we ignore those who really love us. The but the reality is that, there are many people who care about you, and in most of those people, you'll be surprise how much you bring to them. There are things that you'll love to hear from the person whom you'd like to hear them from. But don't be so deaf as not to hear it from the one who says it from their heart. Give yourself time, because loneliness is part of it.

'A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be, and you just have to let go'. When a door of happiness closes, another opens, but often time we look so long to the closed door, that we don't see the one which has been opened for us. How can we see light if we have our eyes closed? How can we be all that we can be if we never examined our lives? Not every person in our inner circles is actually in our inner circles. Let me clarify this, the most people who are in your inner circle are those you see probably when you need them most. Those whom you were there for are nowhere to be found, why? Because they were never in your inner circle. Because they are not available when we need them most, doesn't mean we should not be there for them when they are in need. But learn to protect your inner circle, and who you allow to be in your inner circle. An honest truth is that, 'You cannot be good enough for everybody, but you will always be the best for the one who deserves you'. You're a hero or a heroine to at least one person; don't want to be a hero or heroine to everybody because you feel alone. It's good to be alone, maybe your time has not yet come, so Give yourself time, because loneliness is part of it.

African Philosophy
My Father


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