4 minutes reading time (807 words)

The Brightness of Darkness of an African

The Brightness of Darkness of an African

A reflection of thought!

Racism is first and foremost a misunderstanding of one's self before it is a misunderstanding of another person. The past is not so far distant, because we still experience the past even in our present day lives. Racism is the problem in Africa, but not the problem! However, we have to deal with the problem, in an appropriate manner. Nevertheless, racism is still a problem in Africa, and Africans still feel inferior to the Europeans or whoever we can call 'white'. Is that how it really is? How can this be changed? What needs to be done? Or what is the real problem? There are two major problems in Africa, one being xenophobia and the other being racism. How can we fight 'racism' if we still have xenophobia as a problem? Xenophobia is the 'fear of the foreigner brother or sister' as is it explained by the specialists. How can we have an African foreigner in an African country, all Africans belong to all African countries, and all African countries belong to all Africans. On the other siblog1de racism is prowling around our continent like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. We must resist it, stand firm in believing in ourselves.

Racism is a culture, a culture that is growing without us noticing. It is a culture that needs to be circumcised and turned upside down. We may also think that we are suffering alone in this problem. Racism is all over the world, and it has been put to confirm in a black person's mind, that 'you are black, and you are nothing'. We turne to accept and admit that we're indeed nothing. America is one of the countries that sufferer from this illness. African Americans sufferer only because they are Africans, not because they are African-Americans. Why can't we stand up and exorcise this demon? What are we scared of?

The only way to heal this would is actually to identify the racism stigma as a problem. I promote African Renaissance by former President of South Africa Thabo Mbeki. It is possible and necessary as former President Benjamin Mkapa of Tanzania would say. Why can't we love Africa and ourselves like President Julius Nyerere, like Kwame Nkrumah, like Steve Biko and Nelson Mandela even Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia. Why can't we unite as Africans , like Martin Luther King Jnr would suggest, Malcom X people like Stockely Carmichael, including RosaParks.

The way people treat each other in Africa and around the world, is not at all pleasant.It is inappropriate, it is a grave misunderstanding. We are more than what we think we are, but how can we see light if we have our eyes closed?We too Africans we have it all, we have the brains that they have, the same muscles that they have, the same strength that they have and the same vision that they have. A white friend of mine sometime ago had reprimanded in public a black friend of ours for pronouncing an English word incorrectly. I was personally devastated by that. I asked the white friend, "How many languages can you speak?" 'One' he responded. I then asked the black friend the same question. "Six" he said. Hence we say today 'The Brightness of Darkness of an African. Not speaking good English or any colonial language does not mean we are inferior to other races; we have black people who obtain PhD's in their own languages. There are more educated, intelligent black people than whites. We are one; it's only the matter of the skin. Nothing more nothing less. Why can't we understand that? We have to work together and say #RacismMustFall. Not in the future, but now! All races are racist, but some races are more racists than others.

I urge all Africans to learn how to love, I urge all people to learn how to love. We are one therefore we share the same humanity, we might come from different continents, but still we are human. There is no race which is superior to the other, or inferior to the other. We need to treat one another as such.We would all change the world only if we were willing; by teaching what we were taught.

I have a purpose, you have a purpose we have a purpose, therefore, let us not take things for granted. Everything we do count. "Do unto someone as you would like to be done unto you". I believe that it is better to be loved deeply than wildly, if we love wildly our love would quickly reach the end, but if we love deeply, we would be building a proper foundation of love. We cannot change the past, but we can fix the present and we can change the future. "May GOD bless AFRICA," May God bless the world.

My Father


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